first, try the five variations of this template. then, change it "permanently" with your preferred style (yui-t1, t2, t3, t4, or t6) under tag. You could also swap main column with sidebar2 location. finally, delete this widget


Thursday, January 4, 2007


What is a file extension??

The last section of a file name, comes after the DOT
As in dog.jpg or - it would be the jpg or the zip
It determines and tells the computer the type of file it is
and what program you use to open this type of file.

This would be helpful if you ever have a file you cannot open
You can look it up to see what program is MEANT to open it.

As the list is quite a long, i did upload it on rapidshare as a txt file.

here's the link below to download:


Template Designed by Douglas Bowman - Updated to Beta by: Blogger Team
Modified for 3-Column Layout by Hoctro